Are dark visors legal in Australia?

Are dark visors legal in Australia?

Are Dark Visors Legal in Australia?

When it comes to motorcycle safety gear, a helmet is arguably the most crucial component. Not only does it protect your head in the event of an accident, but it also serves as a shield against debris, wind, and other elements while riding. One important aspect of a motorcycle helmet is the visor, which can come in various tints and shades. But are dark visors legal in Australia? Let’s delve into the regulations and guidelines surrounding motorcycle helmet visors in the land down under.

Understanding Australian Helmet Standards

In Australia, motorcycle helmets must meet stringent safety standards to ensure the rider’s protection. These standards are regulated by the Australian Road Rules and are known as Australian Standard AS/NZS 1698:2006. This standard outlines the requirements for motorcycle helmets, including the specifications for visors.

Are dark visors legal in Australia?
Are dark visors legal in Australia?

Clear vs. Tinted Visors

According to AS/NZS 1698:2006, motorcycle helmet visors must be clear or have a light tint that allows for optimal vision, especially during nighttime and low-light conditions. This means that extremely dark or blacked-out visors are generally not compliant with Australian helmet standards.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Some helmets come equipped with transition visors that automatically adjust their tint based on the lighting conditions. These visors can be legally used in Australia, as they ensure clear vision when necessary while offering protection from glare in bright sunlight.

Legal Exceptions for Dark Visors

While the regulations regarding visor tint in Australia are generally strict, there are exceptions that allow riders to use darker visors. These exceptions primarily revolve around medical conditions that require increased sensitivity to light or glare. In such cases, riders can apply for a medical exemption that permits the use of tinted or dark visors.

Applying for a Medical Exemption

If you have a medical condition that necessitates the use of a dark visor, it’s essential to follow the proper procedure for obtaining a medical exemption. This typically involves consulting with a healthcare professional who can assess your condition and provide the necessary documentation.

Once you have the required medical documentation, you can apply for an exemption through your state or territory’s relevant authority. Keep in mind that the process may vary slightly depending on where you reside in Australia, so it’s crucial to check with your local transportation authority for specific guidelines.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

It’s essential for motorcycle riders to adhere to helmet visor regulations to ensure their safety on the road. Using a non-compliant visor can result in fines and penalties. The exact penalties may differ between states and territories, but they often include fines and demerit points on your driver’s license.

Moreover, riding with a dark or tinted visor that doesn’t have a valid medical exemption can also affect your insurance coverage in the event of an accident. Insurance companies may refuse to cover you if you were using non-compliant safety gear at the time of the incident.

dark visors legal in

Final Thoughts

In summary, the use of dark visors in Australia is subject to strict regulations outlined in the AS/NZS 1698:2006 standard. In most cases, motorcycle helmet visors must be clear or have a light tint to ensure optimal visibility. However, riders with medical conditions that require dark visors can apply for exemptions, provided they follow the proper procedures and obtain the necessary documentation.

It’s crucial for motorcyclists to be aware of and adhere to these regulations to avoid legal penalties, ensure their safety, and maintain insurance coverage. When in doubt, consult with local authorities or legal experts for specific guidance on visor tint regulations in your area. For a sun graded helmet see here.


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